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Articles by Linda Banks

Linda Banks is the founder of Wordbanks. She has been a content specialist for over 25 years, working as a journalist and editor across a variety of B2B and B2C publications, in print and online.

How to get the most from networking

Taking the time to attend a networking meeting can bring many positive returns. It can raise awareness of your brand, build trust in you, provide support and new ideas to try, as well as starting mutually beneficial business relationships.

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Why a blog will help your SEO

New and informative online content is ranked highly by search engines. It is also a good way to market your products and services to site visitors. The next generation of natural language processors (NLPs) is ensuring that well-written and useful blogs are finding their rightful place at the top of the search results.

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Why every business needs a pro copywriter

When content is written and edited by an expert, it can rise above the mire of mediocre posts online, presenting a brand as professional and building trust with customers. Here are some ways that great writing can help your business to grow and thrive.

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Are you ready for shameless self-promotion?

So, you have a great product but nobody is buying it. What is going wrong? Are you waiting for the buyers to find you and not being proactive? Here are some tips for getting your brand message out there and seen by the right people.

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5 ways to improve your sales with word power

Here are a few tips about how using the right content can help raise your profile and get more customers visiting your website to buy your products or services. Start with a clear message about your offering and communicate about what you do best.

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Ways to make your website generate business

Most businesses today have a website, but many are created and then left untouched. This static presence is fine for customers who already know you, but your website could be doing so much more for you. This article explains how to make the most of this valuable resource.

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Making your content king of the mountain

Expertly crafted text will outline the services and messages you want to present in a clear and concise manner. It will demonstrate that you are a professional business and build trust in your brand, leading to new sales and repeat sales from satisfied customers.

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